Custom Restaurant uniforms
If you own or manage a restaurant, you know how important getting logo-ed uniforms for your staff can be. If all the staff are in custom restaurant or serving uniforms, it unifies your brand and staff as a whole. Plus, your staff get to represent the restaurant and look great!
Popular Items for Restaurant Uniforms
Custom uniforms for your Kitchen Staff!
We can print or embroider on our restaurant uniforms – we offer tons of apron options, embroidered chef’s hats, and chef coats all ready to be decorated with your restaurant logo. Often, restaurants will also get matching T-shirts for their servers and hostesses as well! Custom aprons are great, because they can be worn by waitresses and kitchen staff alike.
Should I choose printing or embroidery for my custom restaurant uniforms?
If you aren’t sure if you should get your custom uniforms printed or embroidered, we have expert staff in our office that would be happy to give you helpful tips on how to decide! Shoot us an email or give us a call at our contact page here.